We are fortunate to have two directors with over 40 years directing experience who co-direct the First Capital Barbershop Chorus. They each bring a certain style that adds interest to the evening rehearsal.
Did You Know
Barbershop Harmony is created with nothing but human voices coming together (a cappella) in close harmony to create a rich, satisfying texture that is pleasing to the ears and invigorating to the soul. Whether you're an experienced musician or a brand new singer, barbershop levels the playing field and creates an opportunity for you to find your voice and be part of creating something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Barbershop singing is a chromatic four-part harmony sung by four unaccompanied voices. In barbershop harmony,the leadsings the melody, whilethe tenor part is sung above the lead.The bass sings lower than the lead andthe baritoneprovides the in-between notes that complete the chords that give barbershop harmony its distinctive four-part sound.